“I don’t need anybody” is a very telling thing to say, because in fact we ALL need somebody. We are often placed around people and situations that ultimately teach us more about ourselves. Every victorious accomplishment, every unpleasant experience or pitfall...it’s all to teach us about the duality that lives within us. In many ways we remain stationary for far too long, hoping that our surroundings or situations would change. However, I am not quite sure life is set up as such. When I find myself in such a space, I remind myself of the MIRRORS.

( Magma Bracelet + Denver Sheer Top + Ball+Chain Necklace )
In life, no one crosses your path by chance. Every person you meet is divinely placed and every situation you find yourself in, you have been divinely placed there. It is for us then to seek out what is being shown/taught to us. We are constantly learning ourselves through the people and situations we encounter in life. For this reason, we will refer to them as MIRRORS. They are the things and people who show up in our lives to show us our true selves.

( Duality Bracelet + Denver Sheer Top )
These reflections aren’t always pleasant but they ARE necessary for personal growth. The idea is to look for your reflection in everything and everyone around you. Finding your reflection will not be an easy task, as we often see the external quicker than the internal. Now, if you look into a mirror often and see no resemblance of self, look closer. Our MIRRORS challenge us, challenge our beliefs, our will, our tenacity, our love, they force us to take off the biased blinders. Mirrors persist, they do not go away until you recognize your own reflection. The good, the bad and the ugly. It is here, in this process of growth, where you develop a taste for GRACE, a sweet morsel of the human experience.
Showing items 1-2 of 2.
Some years ago, I asked a question, a very broad, yet very specific question, more out of frustration with life than true curiosity. Now, the question itself, I’ll save... Read More
Perhaps life is merely a series of choices and the consequences/rewards of said choices. Before we begin, I would like for you to think of the age-old questions, “What do... Read More
The Scenic Route
At some point familiar spaces slowly become stale and your longing for fresh air is growing into a faint gasp. You now understand the old saying, "If it ain't one thing, it's another!" ... Read More
This piece is truly inspiring to read. Indeed, our egos would have us believe that we’ll be fine without anyone. When, in fact, the mirrors reveal a fractured ego; perhaps revealing an unchecked trauma that needs to be addressed. Thank you for this… eternally grateful for your takes and look forward to every word.
Anytime I’ve heard or said I don’t need anyone it came from a place of hurt or arrogance. In either case the last thing you ever want to see is the truth within yourself. “Mirrors” is such a fitting name for this and I love it. Sometimes it takes others to reveal who we truly are. You knocking these out the park!