Around this time last year I began purging my closet, much like I do every year.  However, last year was different.  I tossed nearly 50% of the clothing in my closet.  Now this may shock you, considering that I am a fashion designer.  One huge misconception is that all designers only wear their own clothing so they should love everything in their closet.  Wrong! 
I came to the realization that I was not only holding on to things in the hopes that I may one day fit into them again (my beloved jean collection), but there was a sinister element floating just below the radar.  This thing that I couldn’t quite put my finger on for years.  As I watched what was being placed in each donation bag, it hit me!  Like a ton of bricks!  I had become comfortable with being uncomfortable!  Collecting what I call “throw away” clothing.  You know, clothing that really isn’t your style but it’s oversized and hides your flaws.  My body was no longer what it was in my 20’s and I was punishing myself for it by hiding behind yardage!  Eek!  The inner me was refined and polished with a subtle bohemian edge…so why didn’t my closet get the memo?  It was at that moment that I knew I had to revamp the way perceived myself as well as the vision I have for my brand.  Which is exactly what inspired me to design the Uptown Collection.
So here’s to the beginning of style inspired by loving the real you…


Muse: Donne H.


Uptown is inspired by self-love, accepting and being comfortable in who and where you are today.  It feels like listening to a cd of your life’s “greatest hits” while sipping green tea on the patio of a local coffee shop.  This collection introduces new textures, more feminine silhouettes, and nostalgic prints that take you back to a particular place and time.



Focusing on soothing colors and rich textures.  Paying close attention to detail and gravity.


Designing women's fashion with purpose and the ultimate feminine details.


Constructing each garment with care and consciousness.  Creating more than just a dress or a skirt, but creating a feeling.  A moment in time when all felt right, that moment that you may look back on and smile...that moment you were in Uptown.


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