Echoes of digital design repeat “...to have the erectness of my spine make you proud of me…” an excerpt of a work by American author, Delvin Thomas, title Unknown. These words so strategically placed, yet chaotic in its relatability. Fueling the pressure of expectation with a romanticized idea of perfection is a burden better left untouched.
Have you ever been referred to as “Strong!?” when you felt everything BUT that? You know, like your flaws and mistakes make you weak/unworthy in the eyes of those you love? In actuality, both parts can be true, you can be strong AND weak, sometimes simultaneously.
Think of the spine. It’s designed to provide structure and support for the body. All parts are equally important. The spinal cord (interior) is fragile and easily damaged, it sends signals back and forth from the brain to the body telling it what to do in this human experience. It represents the more fragile parts of us that need protecting. The vertebrae (exterior)is hard and strong, protects the fragility of the spinal cord, and THIS is what people see when they look at us.
You see, your strengths and weaknesses by some fantastic way of design are perfectly created so that you are structurally sound enough to withstand the load or to realign if need be. The most human thing we can do is remember to show a little more grace because we all have vertebrae working overtime to protect the Fragile Parts.
Funny how we cleared our bags in order to PACK LIGHT, yet, some things managed to make the trip. No worries, toss them out at the next stop and give your vertebrae some relief.
"Untitled" work by Delvin T.
Showing items 1-9 of 9.
Some years ago, I asked a question, a very broad, yet very specific question, more out of frustration with life than true curiosity. Now, the question itself, I’ll save... Read More
Perhaps life is merely a series of choices and the consequences/rewards of said choices. Before we begin, I would like for you to think of the age-old questions, “What do... Read More
The Scenic Route
At some point familiar spaces slowly become stale and your longing for fresh air is growing into a faint gasp. You now understand the old saying, "If it ain't one thing, it's another!" ... Read More
This is a perfect metaphor
A stunning piece of jewelry to complement such profound spoken words. Together, they weave a vivid portrayal of both the justified and unjustified strength that forms our backbone, as well as the structure that upholds us. I see the stones as symbols of resilience, the unwavering rock and the spikes as the spine, a testament to endurance. Many admire its beauty, yet few understand the depth of what it takes to stand tall and radiant. Awesome job! Delvin your words are always inspiring, deep and spot on! 👏🏽
This is so eloquently written..It really touches ones soul.
Lion (Delvin) is one of my favorite poets..His painfully beautiful truth he writes between blue lines and his deep low tone voice has a way of pulling you in making you feel every emotion as if he’s writing and talking directly to you. He has a way with words that captivates, leaving you feeling like he knows your heart, your pain, as well as your love ability. Delvin is one of those poets that tells your truth through his words. And although I’ve been writing poetry since I was 11, he made me fall in love with poetry in a way I didn’t know exists. I am beyond proud of you 💜
Beautifully described and explained. There have been many instances where I was not necessarily called strong but was relied upon to bear the load of much without regard for my supposed health. This was definitely relatable, 100%. Great collab and beautiful bracelet!
The piece is flawlessly beautiful. But your description. Makes me see the beauty in it even more. I am moved, amazed, and intrigued.
Beautifully executed collab Delvin Thomas is one of my FAVORITE poets and well known admired and respected in the poetry community.
this artist Candace has awesome talent and a copious amount of talent
She’s managed to tap into all of her creativity with a philosophical farsightedness and a flow that translates emotions and pride in all languages and topics from clothes accessories and blogging
The explanation The inspiration and
The Prices are on point and the website is thoughtful and professional easy to maneuver all links work well and it’s easy on the eyes like music should play when I open the tabs 🥰
LOVE IT!!!!!! New Fan!!! ~~ IBJB 🎙️
This is beautiful work! This piece is amazingly detailed and well executed.
This is moving beyond words. I sincerely don’t know what to say. Your breakdown is flawless. I have to back to this!